California Champagne Sweet Rose Korbel & Bros. Inc
Easter Sunday-2020: This year, attending an Easter Sunday worship service became problematic; Coronavirus’ mandated distancing made any usual large meeting too contagious. However, I asked a few of my friends how they attended services, and if they took communion. I got quite a few different replies. For communion, some opened their personal bottle of wine, serving themselves. One friend actually uncorked Champagne! …… O.K. What church would serve champagne during a worship service? Well, there is one Christian group that adds water into the wine. But I’m not aware of any religion that serves the bubbly. If any religious organization did offer Champagne, would it be “Hole-y” water? After all, the effervescence in Champagne is its bubbles. Naturally, there are “Hole-y” different types. Someone would appropriately serve various Champagne styles--- from dry to sweet: • Extra Brut (less than 6 grams of sugar per litre) • Brut (less than 12 grams) • Extra Dry (between 12 and 17 grams) • Sec (between 17 and 32 grams) • Demi-sec (between 32 and This Korbel Sweet Rose is produced in California. It is a sweet rose, which comes form Pinot Noir grapes. It is a sparkling wine that is heavy in ripe fruit: cherry, strawberry, etc. Its cost is less expansive that most French Champagnes.