2015 Australian Red Blend Insurrection Winery
Australian wines tend to market to men. This dark green bottle with the black foil top assaulted the buyer with rough block letters that said, "INSURRECTION" in rusty red. Did I need to call the police?
The composite cork was a good one. Not as good as a real cork, but not as bad as many I see.
The deep red pour filled the glass with a mildly fragrant mix of sage and fruit. The strong legs foretold the smoothness I would feel in my mouth. As the glass emptied, the dark berries melted into a hint of chocolate.
The Insurrection of 2015 has been brought to trial. It was found guilty of impersonating a much more expensive wine. I sentence the bottle to be drained by the neck until dead. If I had a case, it would be referred to a higher court.