2016 Cabernet Sauvignon Shroud Mountain
About this 2016 regular Cabernet Sauvignon Part A. (Read) Part B. (Read) Part C: A regular level bottle @ less than $ 25. Existential questions are fun. Part D (Read) This California Cab is just an ordinary wine, which costs less than $25 per bottle. Elite, library, and ordinary wine pricings fall short of those designer or cult wines ranging from $ 1,000 and upwards per bottle in cost. The average wine Joe, like me, asks, “Is that extra $ 50, $ 75 or $ 20 more I pay per bottle worth the difference of experiencing? Are elite wines that much better than a library level at $ 50 or $ 70 per bottle? Is the stretch from an everyday $ 15 bottle that noticeable? Wines are enjoyable, but is paying a lot more buying the consumer a lot more pleasure?
2016 Cabernet Sauvignon Shroud Mountain Winery This Cab is a California red from the Santa Rosa wine region, also. It is quite drinkable with a fruity berry nose. It has nice legs with a full dark red color. First taste was berry followed by dark chocolate. Later flavors of plum and a little pepper happened during drinking. The finish was oaky tannin. These notes are intended as a comparison with the elite Cab (+$100) with the library Cab (+$45). There is a separation of quality of the elite fully complex ‘12 Cabernet Sauvignon from this ‘16 Shroud Mountain cab. As we keep repeating, corks help tell the tale. The winemaker, too, seemed to grasp the buyer by using a composition cork. Shroud Mountain is a good Cab, but not the best.