2019 Sauvignon Blanc Pepper Ridge Vineyard
This unfortunate bottle got shipped into a winter heat wave. In our hot summer and cold winter months, there are narrow windows to ship orders. This order from a Walla Walla vineyard arrive in march, where unusual temps reached into the low 80’s. It was laid at rest in the wine cellar for months.
Then, when opening it, I somehow broke the cork in half. When attempting to screw into that remaining half-cork, it fell back into the bottle. (Lest the reader thinks I’m completely inept, I’ve removed corks from hundreds of bottles without this ever occurring.) No. It’s Karma for this bottle, which means we can ask an existential question, “Can wines attract Karma?”
Let our T-L-C Dashboard unmask the wine’s details.
Taste=2: This particular bottle of Sav Blanc did not have that real, crisp taste. It’s nose came up earthy, and its grassy, mineral elements were up front. The wine master’s tasting notes include honeydew melon, peach, green tea with a citric finish. The ’19 production was a limited edition. There was a two-part production of using oak and then cement eggs.
Not much of these elements came through due to “Karma”. As noted, the wine was over heated in shipment, but without Corkage. Then, a “floater” was created inside the bottle. It was drinkable, enjoyable, but not remarkable.
Looks=2 The wine poured clear and transparent. There was a genuine cork for longer shelf life. Labeling is factual with character. Let’s defer to others about remarks.
Cost=2: Pepper Bridge Sav, Blanc was a bit pricey. However, we are buying a limited edition with a winemaker’s unique application. If ordering from the Walla Walla vineyard, take note of weather for shipment.
