Underwood Canned Sparkling White Wine
I guess the point is to throw the wine in with the beer cans and go to the picnic or softball game. Some of the fun stuff about opening a bottle of wine gets in the way. Glass at pools comes to mind. Cork screws outside a bar or kitchen are a little bit of a hassle. Wine glasses can be out of place in a more casual or mobile setting. So when you give up all of that for convenience, what is left? The Underwood canned wine is pretty good. It is sparkling, but don't expect it to hold up to champagne. The bubbles are big and less than subtle. The taste and color is more than acceptable. Crisp, light with hints of apple. All in all, it lets you hang out with beer drinkers without seeming snooty. Yeah, your can costs $5 while their can costs $1, but you don't have to tell them. Lots of people wear cammo without ever hunting. Its the Duck Dynasty of wine.