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2014 Gerasuola Di Vittoria Classico Azienda Agricola COS/ bottlers

Act one, scene one: Wine has its own unique adventures. When dining at our favorite Kansas City Italian restaurant, I requested our bar keep to find another good red. He carried over this impressive Bordeaux bottle laced with seals, DOCC numbers, wrap around label, and a DSDW code. Here was a classic red wine from Vitoria, Italy. Act one, scene two. Vittoria, Italy was the site where the World War II movie, “The Secret of Santa Vittoria” was filmed. Actor Antony Quinn played the lead role as well as drank their wine. As we enjoy during dinner. Act two, main course: We liked this red form the start. As noted, the bottle was impressive. In pulling the cork, it was genuine cork. The color was light red with very good legs. The nose was floral. First taste was fruity, but no sweet. There was cherry, spice and cranberry…. No after taste of heavy tannin. Here was a good summer red, not a ponderous red, and very easy to drink. We almost had WWII all over again in that I held onto this bottle. It a classic to drink now, put some in your wine cellar, gift it, or serve with dinner.

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