2018 Zinfandel Seghesio Vineyard
I pour some Seghesio Zinfandel when being casual; it’s one of those friendly, quality vineyards. But this ’18 bottle didn’t taste like so many others. After my first taste, I returned it to the wine refrig, where it laid quietly for two extra days.
Taste=2: The first pour & taste was dank. And this is unusual for a Segheio Zin. I recorked the bottle. Then, let it chill for a couple of days. The second tasting was improved. The wine regained much of what was expected, but lacked that fine, fun kick.
I am speculating that smoke from California wildfires affected the grapes at harvest.
Looks=3: Looks were not impacted. The vineyard's red wine maintained its deep red color with good legs. Of course, the dark brown bottle and standard label remained the same.
Cost=2 : Here is a reasonably priced quality Sonoma County California wine. Maybe their ’18 is an off year. Generally, a buyer can pour and serve their Zin with confidence.
