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2018 Purple Paradise Chronic Cellars

I'm a sucker for seasonal marketing because I'm looking for fun.

As Halloween approaches, how could I resist a California Red Blend

with a lucky-dice-eyed skull on the label?

All the marketing was California car show cartoon stuff.

Purple Passion sounds like the street rod that the art would match.

The maker is Chronic Cellars. Chronic is street slang for marajuana.

It seemed like it was worth $15 just to put the bottle on the table.

The blend is Tannat, Merlot and Cab Franc. The balance is nice.

Lots of dark fruit with a little tannin. No subltle woodiness here.

It is obviously the product of stainless steel and that can be a

good thing for fruitiness. I expected less and got more.

No Tricks. All treat.

The bottle looks like fun on a party table, make no bones about it.



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