2018 OZV Old Vine Zinfandel Oak Ridge Winery
I did it. I found a Lodi wine that wasn't great.
It was just good.
Let's be fair, trying to find a bad bottle from Lodi, California is an odd goal.
In my pursuit, I found this OZV for under $10.
It was dark fruity. It was a little peppery.
It had too much acidity for my taste and not much character.
It was a nice single note wine.
That may be a major accomplishment for under $10.
I know some of those old vines in Lodi go back to the late 1800s.
This winery has been in family hands for a few generations.
They say they know the vines by name.
Maybe, "Ginny needs to be cup pruned" is something you say in that family.
But here is a nice dark bottle with a real cork.
The silver OZV made the label seem like we were going to OZ.
The dark red adult beverage was drinkable but not thought provoking.
It was not in the top 10 wines from Lodi,
but it may be at the top of the "Under $10" wine list.
What the heck. Have it on ice with a bowl of nachos on the deck.
That's how Californians watch the sun set through the smoke every summer.
