2015 Franklin Tate Cab-Merlot
While strolling through the wine section of a store, I saw this man standing behind a wine display. I walked discovering he was the wine maker from Tate Estate winery, which is Australian. His winery is in the Margaraet River region/ South eastern shore. The 2015 Cabernet Merlot sounded interesting, even though I am used to Cab-Franc blends. How about this blend for a different wine experience. So, I took it home and opened the bottle. The nose is a floral, a musty rose. The first tasting was heavy and earthy. That was followed by raspberry. Continuing, its dark earth flavor jumped up along with copper. This cab merlot finished with a smoky oak. I didn’t care much for this blend. When opening a bottle, I recommend allowing 20 minutes for breathing or decant it. Buy it and drink it now. Rating: 72