2017 Merlot Pepper Bridge Vineyard
We were unable to fly up to Walla Walla, WA wine country. We wanted to tour vineyards and taste these wines. The next best thing was having Walla Walla wines shipped here. This Merlot was our first vicarious wine tasting experience.
The winemaker got my attention with the bottle, itself. It was a heavy, classic, dark brown shouldered Bordeaux bottle; it came without any foil wrapping, which revealed a genuine cork… Somebody was drop-dead serious about its red wine. If there were a need for a handheld weapon, I’m running to the wine cellar for this bludgeon!
Poring was a fun experience. The Merlot’s deep, rich red color flowed in the crystal leaving clingy legs. A fruity (plum) aroma flushed up causing a smile. Tasting uncovered black beery, soft oak with the surprise of vanilla. Its finish was smooth without heavy tannin.
The winery is built into a hill, subterranean, and has produced estate Merlot since 1999. The Pepper Bridge web site reveals a unique fermentation process: gravity flow. The winemaker states applying gravity flow leads to a gentler treatment; it prevents grape seeds from “shearing”, which could add bitter tannins. The vineyard, also, is one of top 100 wineries worldwide.
Drinking this Estate Merlot was a definitely good personal experience. The only complaint is there should be more room in that bottle for more delicious wine. It is a red wine that could be cellared for years… if you can wait.
