2017 Cabernet Franc Beast Buty Winery
I ordered this Cab/Franc because of its label, The Beast. Buty Winery is ranked among the top of Washington State wineries. So what caused them to use this tag line? As it turns out, “The Beast” allows the winery to showcase (AKA, sell) wine produced by other vineyards. This label provides Buty wide latitude with different releases. The Beast is generally targeted for restaurants, but wine is available at the winery. Their various versions are released on Halloween; hence, “The Beast”.
Actually, I didn’t know what to expect from this Beast… maybe dry sand, wet saw dust, or a few spider webs. The Cab Franc was produced by the Conner Lee Vineyards. The AVA area is north of Yakama in the Royal Slope, Eastern Washington. Fitting the Buty model, this Cab Franc was produced in a different region from Walla Walla.
I rated this Cab Franc TASTE=2; a Cab Franc lite. Its nose was floral. The first pour revealed dark berries: black berry, blue berry. It gave up a bit of cinnamon with very light tannin. It ended with an herb taste. I liked this red wine, but would not place as one of my favorite Cab Franc…. Then again, I would not refuse a glass when offered.
The Cab Franc Beast would pair well with a medium rare steak, Hungarian pot roast, wild mallard duck, etc.
LOOKS=3. The label is too much fun! In picking it up, the brain almost stops to question one’s sanity. Then, curiously takes over, wondering how the wine really tastes. It does come with a genuine cork; I would not recommend a long cellar life.
Its red color is lighter than many darker red Cab Franc produced in Washington State or Oregon’s Willamette valley. The legs do cling along the wine glass. Also, it needs to be served chilled around 65 °.
This is a library level wine with a COST=2. The buyer gets to make a decision to try the Beast or a different Cab Franc.
