2016 Barolo G.D. Vajgra Winery
Those red wines from Italy present a buyer lots of conundrums
Do I drink it now?
Do I want to cellar it for later?
Do I dare serve it to guests?
What dinner should I pair it with?
I chose to open the bottle, pour the wine into a glass, and try it now. Am I glad for making that choice? You bet your sweet corkscrew I am.
Taste=3: Here is a very good Barolo. Its taste has an earthiness without sweetness. In tastings, the many dimensions appeared: cherry, then raisins. I like its smoke, leather and slate. The smooth light oak gave this red wine a smooth finish.
Looks=3: The color poured a bright crimson without ant sediments. The label shows the old world. Plus, the winemaker used a genuine cork for cellaring.
Cost=2: Pay a little more for an estate bottle to enjoy a lot of extras.
