2012 Petite Sirah Waterbrook Winery
There’s a reason wine coming from the Walla Walla, WA region is so good. It’s that mix of water, sun shine, grape vines set in Columbia River soil. This varietal has its origin in France around 1800. Then to Israel, and finally into the Yakama Valley region in the 190’s. The main problem is the winery can’t squeeze much more wine into a bottle.
Taste=3: First pour gave off plum and dark berries. Tastings grew more complex with spice, black licorice, a smooth plum. This red wine finished very smooth without heavy tannin. The winery made notation that it is an estate grape, or as indicted” Icon Reserve”, meaning the grapes weren’t picked from a low hanging vine in the middle of some less-cared-for fields.
Looks= 3: The good taste came with an equally good look of dark red, string legs, and clarity. The winemaker used a real cork for a longer shelf life. The label is pristine, in that it fully states the varietal, year, plus noting a quality reserve wine. It filled a quality dark brown, heavy Bordeaux bottle.
Cost=2: The buyer pays a tad more money for enjoying a unique estate level red wine.
